Sep 4, 2019 | Corporate, Events, Partners
Presentation of allergy project in collaboration with OSASEN, FAES FARMA, and Quirónsalud by Jessica Herráiz, September 04, 2019 In July, the Palacio Euskalduna hosted the celebration of the BIND 4.0 (Basque Industry 4.0 Accelerator Program) “Demo Day.” This...
Aug 14, 2019 | Corporate, Experiences
The Digital Health Startup Experience by Carlos Giner, August 14, 2019 Throughout my entire life I have had a curiosity about new and unknown things. That is what led me to leaving Mexico for a business school in Germany a few years ago, and is now what has led me to...
Apr 24, 2019 | Corporate, Events
3rd Patient Experience Congress: “Patient experience as central element in healthcare improvement” by Jessica Herraiz | April, 24 2019 Persei vivarium was at the 3rd Patient Experience Congress organized by IEXP (Institute for Patient Experience), where...