Jan 30, 2017 | Media
The magazine Emprendedores interviewed our CEO, Roberto Bravo, about Persei vivarium’ experience with the financing process that businesses have to deal with when they start out. In this case, our company received the support of Avalmadrid, a finance...
Nov 25, 2016 | Media
Roberto Bravo, CEO of Persei vivarium, took part in “Valor Salud” a radio show on Capital Radio. He shared his knowledge and current technology in the health sector. This show, directed by Francisco García Cabello, involves the participation of companies and...
Nov 21, 2016 | Media
This November, Roberto Bravo, our CEO, was entrepreneur of the month at Avalmadrid, the organization that financed the company at the beginning of its project. In the article, Roberto Bravo narrates the history of his digital health company, and explains the role of...
Nov 10, 2016 | Media
Persei vivarium’s CEO was interviewed on Canal 33 in an entrepreneurs program directed by Chema Nieto. Roberto Bravo explained Persei Vivarium’s project, along with terms like Big Data and Digital Health, which define part of the work of his company’s team. The...
Nov 7, 2016 | Media
Roberto Bravo, CEO & Founder of Persei vivarium, participated in the TV program “Madrid Contigo” accompanied by Rosa Siles, Director of Institutional Relations and Strategic Alliances of the Company. He took part in the Entrepreneur Section, along with Jorge...