Sep 23, 2020 | Corporate, Experiences
“New Normality” Digital Health Experience by Jorge Klinnert, September 23, 2020 On the 1st of June I began my internship at Persei vivarium. At that time, the Spanish Government was implementing de-escalation measures to ease the complete lockdown caused by Covid-19....
Sep 2, 2020 | Corporate, Insights
Technology, the key to generating clinical studies during COVID-19 by Ángel Barrera, September 2, 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic spread around the world throughout 2020, the negative impact of the virus has become more obvious, even in the development of clinical...
Aug 12, 2020 | Corporate, Experiences
IT Internship in the Time of Coronavirus by Alberto F. Comesaña, August 12, 2020 From the very start of my internship at Persei vivarium, I had the opportunity to come in contact with new concepts, working methodologies, technologies and, eventually, totally new...
Jun 10, 2020 | Corporate, Experiences
Being an international intern during COVID-19 by Katharina Lukassen, June 10, 2020 Doing an internship abroad normally is the best of both worlds. There are very few times in life that one has the opportunity to dive into a new culture while also gaining professional...