Science showcase session
by José Luis Rojo-Álvarez and Sergio Muñoz-Romero | Oct 29, 2018 | Events | 0 comments

Science area is in charge of several axes in Persei vivarium. First, to support the inclusion of new, old, and different data sources and non-conventional formats, hence expanding the scope of our platforms. Second, to create and run data analysis seeds, hence yielding the users a spectrum of possibilities to exploit the information in their clinical practice data. Third, to make these data analysis and machine learning systems efficient in the improvement of the clinical practice quality, hence on the patients. And finally, to provide with suitable support for top-quality scientific evidence communication.
In this session, the whole company was shown the recent advances developed from our Science area. This way, everyone could see first-hand what is being done in this area and expand the company’s vision from the most innovative point of view. We focused on several specific achievements and deliveries that allowed the team to discuss on the value for the user and their role in the company.
Using this approach, the science area could also receive very valuable and enriching feedback from different points of view, since the assistance was complete from all the different departments of the company.
As a final goal, it was possible to prioritize and redefine the different products/prototypes developed so far in order to be able to be introduced in the different lines of business of the company, or even create if necessary.

José Luis Rojo-Álvarez
Chief Scientific Officer

Sergio Muñoz-Romero
Head of Data Science and Big Data