ICEX Spain Trade and Investment, represented by Jorge Alvar, Director for Infrastructure, Health and ICT; along with Carmen García and Victoria Azcarate, Heads of the Health and Biotechnology Department, got together with part of the senior team of Persei vivarium, Roberto Bravo, CEO of the Company; Miguel Cabañas, Chief Technology Officer; Elli Ghozzati, Vicepresident of Neuroscience; and Rosa Siles, Director of Institutional Relations.

During the meeting they explored the key ways to consolidate the company’s international expansion through ICEX’s experience and support. The main points of the meeting were commercial promotion and investment programs in foreign countries, especially leading markets in the health and biotechnology sectors, and specifically in digital health.

ICEX Spain Trade and Investment is a national public business entity of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, whose mission is to promote the internationalization of Spanish companies in order to contribute to their competitiveness, as well as to attract investments to Spain.

To effectively meet its objectives, ICEX is assisted by the network of Economic and Commercial Offices in the Spanish embassies.