World Cancer Day: The value of Real-World Data
by Patricia Domínguez, February 4, 2020

On February 4th we will again be observing World Cancer Day.
Every year in Spain there are about 270,000 new cases of cancer, according to the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). It is the second highest cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) states, in addition, that the number of new cases is expected to increase 70% over the next twenty years.
However, in spite of that, according to the Spanish Cancer Society (AECC), “there are more cures, and an increase in the survival rate for the most common tumors thanks to the scientific and technological advances resulting from research”. Currently, two out of every three persons with cancer live longer than five years after diagnosis.
Because of this, and in order to continue contributing to the improvement of the outlook for the disease, it is necessary to have high-quality oncology data available in order to generate research based on the Real-World Data of the patients who are living with this disease. This information becomes a resource with great potential, as valuable results can be derived from the patients and their treatments in real life, that is, from the day-to-day life of the patient.
At Persei vivarium we want to contribute to this challenge by deploying our project, onQos®. The purpose of onQos® is to generate a significant impact in oncology. Focusing especially on aspects such as the improvement of the quality of life of the patients and caregivers and highlighting needs which are not being covered right now.
If you want to know more about SEOM’s World Cancer Day campaign, please click here.

Patricia Domínguez
Business Development and Communication
Persei vivarium