Persei vivarium winning the data match of interoperability
by Miguel Romera, Alejandro de Frutos and Miguel Cabañas | March, 11 2019

We all live in a complex world in which is has become characterised by massive flows of information and intensive data flows. This is especially important when we talk about health, in which multiple actors are involved and where different technological systems coexist providing a wide variety of structured data sources.
Answering this singular challenge, Persei vivarium has been working intensively to achieve an effective and efficient communication between the different systems that manage clinical information. The result has been that Persei’s products respond to this urgent problem of increased complexity faced by health professionals in their day to day where in many cases they are forced to make multiple data entries in different IT systems.
Our commitment to interoperability
Our specific commitment is to make products that have the capabilities to work with different IT systems effectively. Our platforms really facilitate the day to day work of healthcare professionals and other healthcare stakeholders involved in the care process (laboratories, patients, managers, external companies, industry…).
To achieve this we have made a huge effort using international interoperability standards and communication protocols like HL7, DICOM or the most innovative ones like FHIR, making our Perseed technology a key differential. It is a technology that interacts with the different information systems in hospitals, really simplifying the data entry of health professionals and saving time.
How does it work?
We facilitate the work of all health system actors who work daily with clinical data such as clinical specialists, researchers, etc, due to our development of different modules specifically responsible for exchanging information (interoperability modules with PACS, with HIS or APIs, among others).
We do that by deploying agile and fast software developments for our customers that both collect data from external systems and also send data to third parties. In the area of APIs, REST (Representational State Transfer) is today one of the references in the development of application services used in new interoperability standards such as FHIR.
Examples and cases
Some examples and successful cases where the integration of all these sources is key in the holistic management of the patient are:
- The integration of a medical imaging department with our ClinicaaL® platform.
- The connection with third parties as a gateway for multiple collaborators can use our systems to improve patient itineraries are some of the possibilities we offer.
In Persei vivarium we will continue to be committed to providing top solutions to the new challenges that the healthcare sector and professionals have.

Miguel Romera
Clinical Data Architect
Persei vivarium

Alejandro de Frutos
Backend Engineer
Persei vivarium

Miguel Cabañas
Persei vivarium