Internet Day 2018 was celebrated this year with the slogan “the Data Society”. The President of the Senate and the Internet Day booster committee, which is made up of more than 60 social groups, called representatives of the political, business, media, cultural and social worlds to the plenary session held in the Senate on Thursday May 17th.

Our Director of Institutional Relations, Rosa Siles, was fortunate to attend the debate, where the central theme was to analysis of how data, new technologies (artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, wearables, etc.) and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are changing society with new opportunities for change, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The debate had the participation of powerful companies such as: Google, Facebook, Santander, telephone, EMEA etc.

#diadeinternet is an initiative of the Association of Internet Users that has been celebrated across the globe as World Internet Day on May 17th every year since 2006.

The Association of Internet Users (AUI) is a non-profit Spanish entity whose main objective is to promote the development and good use of the Internet. They are responsible for organizing and planning events for the day of the Internet

Our Director of Institutional Relations accompanied by Estelle Werth, Director Privacy Policy, EMEA Facebook, on the Internet day