How to promote patient recovery after a medical intervention by using technology
by Jessica Herráiz, February 9, 2022

As we have noted in previous articles, technology is becoming an important part of improving monitoring of patients before and after a medical intervention. Specifically, in the post-procedure phase, these tools can offer a multitude of benefits to healthcare professionals and patients, facilitating decision making and promoting the patient’s recovery.
Digital platforms already exist that offer the patient reliable and understandable information, substantiated by a medical professional. These platforms also enable the collection of data at the appropriate time after the procedure, facilitating the detection of possible complications. This data collection from the patients themselves has already been demonstrated to have a positive impact on their recovery, as shown in the International Journal of Caring Sciences in “Wearable Technologies in Post-Operative Recovery: Clinical Applications and Positive Impacts”.
And … how would this process be carried out?
Once the procedure is completed, an itinerary can be implemented that defines the transmission of educational information to the patient as well as tasks related to guidelines that should be followed, advice on diet and exercises, etc. that will help the patient in the recovery process, improving his or her progress.
This transmission of information in the recovery process was highlighted as one of the determining factors in the patient’s care by José Luis Baquero, director and scientific coordinator of the Spanish Patients’ Forum (FEP) and trustee of the Technology and Health Foundation at the conclusion of the 9th Meeting of the Technology and Health Foundation with Patients and Scientific Societies. He affirmed in those proceedings that “well-informed patients progress much better and cost less”.
In addition to providing information, it is also important to provide patients and/or caregivers with at-home follow-up after the intervention, collecting information about symptoms, events, and quality of life in real time, and sharing this information with the medical professional for management and early detection of possible complications.
For these reasons, at Persei vivarium we offer the possibility to create post-procedure itineraries using Caaring®, our digital platform for patient monitoring. By using these itineraries, one can provide information to the patient, along with tasks and questionnaires for collecting information, enabling the medical professional to determine the patient’s status and make decisions based on the results that are obtained.
We are confident that the use of this kind of tools will continue to grow and provide value, improving the way in which we handle procedures and making it practical to have precision medical care that is adapted to every patient.

Jessica Herráiz
Business Development
Persei vivarium