Aug 18, 2021 | Insights
What is Agile methodology and why is it important for Persei vivarium? by Michel Bou, August 18, 2021 Agile is a project management methodology that was created by 17 software developers in 2001. Agile was first created for software development projects but nowadays...
Jul 21, 2021 | Insights
What is a Decentralized Clinical Trial and what advantages does it offer? by Ana Díaz-Roncero, July 21, 2021 The pandemic has accelerated the implementation of many of the technological changes that have been under development over the past few years. Because of...
Jul 7, 2021 | Insights
Growth in the use of Digital Health: What expectations do healthcare professionals have for the long term? by Gonzalo Arranz, July 7, 2021 As we are able to see, the management of healthcare is increasingly digitalized. Among other reasons, this acceleration is a...
Jun 23, 2021 | Insights
What is 5P Medicine and how can Big Data help make it a reality? by Ana Díaz-Roncero, June 23, 2021 In this day and age, the traditional medical model, in which medicine is reactive or curative and the patient comes to the physician and is treated, is no longer...
Jun 9, 2021 | Insights
Value-Based Healthcare: What is it and how do we implement it? by Ana Díaz-Roncero, June 09, 2021 As we have seen recently, life expectancy in developed nations is increasing, having reached an average of 81 years across Europe, according to the Spanish National...
May 26, 2021 | Insights
How can technology help with patient monitoring before and after a medical intervention? by Ana Díaz-Roncero, May 26, 2021 More and more today, technology is present in our lives. It helps us to facilitate and optimize procedures and tasks of everyday life in a more...