Can technology humanize medical care?

Can technology humanize medical care?

Can technology humanize medical care? by Jessica Herráiz, July 29, 2020 This is reality. The COVID-19 pandemic that we are living through has prompted healthcare systems, public as well as private, to develop tools for telemedicine and patient monitoring, revealing a...
Health data: Challenges in the COVID-19 scenario

Health data: Challenges in the COVID-19 scenario

Health data: Challenges in the COVID-19 scenario by Patricia Domínguez, June 3, 2020 As we have been noting and observing over the past few weeks, new technologies are playing a fundamental role in the current fight against coronavirus, helping healthcare systems to...
What is the future of healthcare after COVID-19?

What is the future of healthcare after COVID-19?

What is the future of healthcare after COVID-19? by Patricia Domínguez, May 20, 2020 It is a fact that COVID-19 has transformed the way we live and our relationship with our environment. Our routines and our daily lives have been changed completely in the last few...